
2023 - Present

Post-Doc Mobility

I was awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation PostDoc.Mobility grant to work with the Centre for eResearch (University of Auckland, New Zealand), and the Gamification Group (Tampere University, Finland) on gamification and crowdsourcing in landscape perception data generation. I am developing, testing and analysing a location-based game (Arcane Shift) to gauge the potential of gamifying spatial crowdsourcing tasks.

2018 - 2023

PhD Candidate

As a PhD Candidate in the Geocomputation Group at the University of Zurich my main focus was crowdsourcing and citizen science in landscape perception and preference research using spatial as well as computational linguistic approaches. 

2017 - 2018

Research Assistant

I worked as a research assistant in the Geocomputation Group of the University of Zurich. Tasks involved contract research, administrative work and writing papers.

2015 - 2017

Freelance GIS Specialist

I completed various contract work projects as a self employed freelancer specialising in web-design and geographic information systems

2013 - 2015

GeoplanTeam AG

At GeoplanTeam AG I was employed as a part time geographic information system specialist and worked on a variety of projects.  I used a multitude of tools including AutoCAD 3D, Spatial Databases, Leaflet, d3.js

2011 - 2013

K-Link GmbH

At K-Link I was employed as a part time
 webdesigner and was primarily tasked with creating
and maintaining bespoke websitesfor clients.



MSc in GIScience, University of Zurich

with distinction


BSc Geography, University of Bern

magna cum laude


Swiss German
Novice Native
Standard German
Novice Native
Novice Native
Novice Native


OO: C#, Java
Data Analysis: R, Python
Game Engine: Unity
Spatial: ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, GDAL
Webmapping: Leaflet, MapBox, OSM
Web Dev: Symfony, NodeJS
SQL DB: MySQL, PostgreSQL + PostGIS, SQLite
Google Firestore, Neo4j, MongoDB
Misc: D3.JS, BERT (AI), Google Firebase Storage, Google Firebase Auth


windsurfing, wingfoiling, fpv drones, creating and playing digital and analog games, hydroponics, spicy chillies, food and beverage adventures, and more…
